

Welcome to my blog. This is where I document my adventures as a 20-something. Hope you enjoy!



Madewell | Katelyn Now | Peplum
Madewell | Katelyn Now | Peplum
Madewell | Katelyn Now | Peplum
Madewell | Katelyn Now | Peplum
Madewell | Katelyn Now | Peplum

Madewell Top |Destructed Shorts | Similar Bag | Old Navy Shoes | Banana Republic Sunnies

Today I'm faced with the decision to share the very pathetic and petty thing that's on my mind or tell you that I have nothing interesting to write about. Since the latter would make me the world's worst blogger I guess I should share. If you’re sick of all of the LEMONADE / Beyonce drama you can stop reading now. I just finished the visual album yesterday (3 days late I know) and here’s the thing, I usually don’t get into celebrity gossip. I had no clue that Selena was dating Justin until they broke up, I didn’t realize Kim K had a second child until I saw something about it on an Instagram meme account, and to be honest I couldn’t tell you which one is Kendall and which one is Kylie. With that being said, anything that Beyonce puts out into the universe I will analyze until my brain hurts and although I really don’t care about who “Becky with the good hair” is, I still care about mah girl Bey and what the heck this album is supposed to mean. Here are my thoughts…

1. Did Jay cheat? Yes. I don’t think the overall message of infidelity is a publicity stunt here. The lyrics are just too blatant and direct to be generalized across men in general. She references his drug dealing past and says that if he hadn’t made a name for himself women wouldn’t want him. That’d be a seriously mean dig to take at your husband if the guy didn’t actually do anything wrong (I’ve yet to see Beyonce do anything I think is cruel). Although she’s written/performed songs about cheaters in the past, they’ve never had such direct references or the theme of an album.

2. The thought of someone cheating on Beyonce is literally beyond my comprehension. Men are pigs.

3. You can feel her pain and anger which is one of the thousand reasons why I love her. She's so raw and isn't afraid to say when she feels “jealous or crazy" and often points out that she's only human. You can tell she’s conflicted. She loves him so much, but she’s incredibly hurt (which would absolutely make any human being go crazy). She feels all the emotions from questioning her worth (“I ain’t too perfect to ever feel this worthless”) and where she might have went wrong to “middle fingers up, I ain’t thinkin’ bout you.” Like I said, it’s raw and real and I love that the whole album isn’t her being all badass and I-don’t-need-you about it, because it’s a process to get there.

4. As far as the apparent decision to stay in her marriage at the end of the album. I’m not convinced. Just because the song “All Night” and the forgiveness phase come at the end doesn’t mean it’s all butterflies and rainbows. She may have moments where she feels like she’s forgiven him and then go back to smashing cars mode. Whatever the decision it’s between her and her husband. If she says she’s staying right now, I'm just not convinced that it will last.

Needless to say, "Lemonade" has provoked many questions and might be the biggest cliffhanger of the decade. I'll be over here analyzing all of the possibilities while contemplating if I ever want to give that little dating thing a try again (I kid). One thing's for sure, her next album is going to be even better. Songs about how she overcomes all of this and loves herself harder than ever before? Yeah I'm down for that. Please tell me your thoughts on the album in the comments. I’m obviously much more interested in this topic than is healthy haha.

Photos : Still by Hernan

Kickapoo Coffee

Kickapoo Coffee

Doing Well, Overall

Doing Well, Overall